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The Increased Importance of ID Badges
While ID Badges are nothing new – the touchless trends and increased functionality of ID Badges are more in demand than ever before. COVID-19 has greatly changed the need for and the advantages of ID [...]
CONTRACT # 21/019SG WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY Amarillo, TX, February 1, 2021 - Diamond Business Services (DBS) announced today that they have been awarded a contract to provide “Workplace Health and Safety” solutions by Choice [...]
Making COVID Vaccination Enrollment Mobile
Increasing the physical size, total number, and accessibility of the venues where consumers can receive COVID-19 vaccines is essential. Large-scale vaccinations require large-scale venues such as stadiums and civic centers. Managing these large numbers of [...]
The Benefit of Non-Proprietary Access Control Hardware
Electronic access control is often a major investment for an organization. The last thing you want to do is be locked into a situation where you have a proprietary solution and have something go wrong and be [...]