March 2018
Collaborative Partnerships for Safer Schools
It has to stop…and we have to rework the way Schools and Vendors work together. It is about the safety of our kids and their educators. What we have been doing is not working and [...]
September 2017
What do Harrison Ford and Nathan from Clemson University have in Common?
BOTH WERE GREAT AT CREATING A FAKE ID Ford in the movie 1993 movie The Fugitive took an existing hospital ID that was of the "old school post a picture on a piece of [...]
Why Millennials love pre-paid debit cards, fees and all.
Millennials also are much more likely to have a prepaid card than a credit card. A Bankrate survey found that almost two-thirds of 18 - to 29-year-olds don't have credit cards. But WHY? For our [...]
July 2017
Why We LOVE Re-transfer Printing on plastic cards.
Retransfer printing (also known as “reverse transfer”) is quickly becoming the preferred method for printing ID cards. There are numerous advantages of upgrading to a printer with retransfer technology. Below are the 10 main [...]
June 2017
Is your technology still stuck in the 70's? Active and flexible technology is what this generation of our clients are used to and in all actuality …demand. But when it comes to the Financial Market [...]
May 2017
Expelling misconceptions about the security of contactless EMV payments
This subject came up a few weeks ago after a local news report on chip cards and fraud. I reached out to the local news agency for comment and received no reply. They stated that [...]